





特首曾蔭權早前接受彭博電視專訪,自信地揚言美國對沖基金Pershing Square(PS)押注港元Unpeg(脫勾),最終只會「大失血」。這叫我想起當年放洋留學,「朝思暮想」博士畢業論文題材,曾想過以港元聯繫匯率為研究題目,並就此請教系內享負盛名的Advisor。惟我得到的答案是︰「你最好避之則吉。」這題材需要理論支持,收集數據又難,結論往往模稜兩可,隨時浪費多年時間也寫不出一份符合畢業資格的論文。故此我一直懷疑,香港聯匯的背後,究竟有沒有有力的研究報告支持,抑或7.8這個匯率,其實只是官僚主義下沒人膽敢更改的Outdated數字?
留意買賣衍生工具如Forward和Call是Zero-sum game(零和遊戲),即是同一天空同一時間下,有人正在跟這些幾乎賺硬的投機者對賭。那麼誰是帷幕後「贏粒糖輸間廠」的人?就是你和我廣大的香港巿民!




其實,兩者都沒有錯,他們爭論的原因是兩者用不同的尺去量度「便宜」。朋友P的爸爸用的尺是金額的絕對值,只要能滿足需求、花費金額最少便是最「便宜」的選擇。他覺得一杯凍檸茶既能解渴,花費也是最少,所以朋友P的媽媽應該選擇單叫凍檸茶。至於朋友P的媽媽,她除了考慮貨品價錢外,還考慮質量,即是否「物有所值」。雖然26元是花多了,但她有凍檸茶,也有三文治,吃剩的三文治還可以拿回家給朋友P作下午茶,這比花13元只有凍檸茶更「物有所值」。 而餐廳方面其實是想利用套餐去加大每宗的消費額。



《華爾街日報》 --心靈可以把地獄變成天堂,也可以把天堂變成地獄。──英國詩人約翰彌爾頓

在聖經舊約中,雅各的兒子約瑟受到多位哥哥的嫉妒,被他們設局推入大坑等死。不久,正好一支商隊路過,有人搭救了他,但將他賣到埃及為奴。在埃及,他又遭 人嫉妒,受陷害身陷囹圄。約瑟有一萬個理由悲觀、絕望。然而,他沒有。在監獄中,他學會了解夢,並因此受到法老的賞識,當上了全權的大臣。後來約瑟寬恕了他幾位哥哥的罪惡,並對他們說,從前你們是要來害我的,但神的意思原來是好的,成就了我今日的光景。









古羅馬哲學家塞涅卡(Seneca)說過:心要讓眼瞎的時候,眼是甚麼都看不見的(Eyes will not see when the heart wishes them to be blind.)。一個悲觀的人,常常無視樂觀的東西,更不會去把悲觀的變成樂觀的。他總是能找到許多悲觀的理由和事實。







撰稿:華爾街日報 劉軍寧

市場相關度上升 何處才是避風港?

《華爾街日報》 --舞台正中是無休無止的歐洲債務危機,背景是疲軟的全球經濟增長前景,面對這樣一幕,怎麼能責怪投資者缺乏膽量呢?

他們剛剛從希臘債務危機中回過神來,正在努力琢磨意大利究竟欠了多少錢、欠了誰的錢,與此同時,國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)總裁拉嘉德(Christine Lagarde)開始公開討論全球將陷入「失落的十年」的前景。

我們只能假設,如果沃倫巴菲特(Warren Buffett)堅持使用他那個「人懼我貪」的老辦法,他肯定正在進行力度空前的大手筆投資,因為現在市場彌漫著恐懼。









正如英國基金管理公司標準人壽投資(Standard Life Investments)全球主題策略師弗朗西絲漢森(Frances Hansen)近期在「有沒有避險資產?」(Are There Any Safe Havens?)這篇清醒的文章中所述,投資多元化越來越難了。就連曾被視為具有抗跌特性的股票(這類股票有投資價值,不過一般走勢沉悶,包括製藥、電信 和公共事業股)也陷入了困境,因為它們似乎將與大盤走勢保持一致。


美元能得到及格分,原因是,美元不是歐元,而斯堪的那維亞國家貨幣等其他不是歐元的可靠貨幣規模都不夠大,不足以填補空白。然而,站在美元背後的美國聯邦儲備委員會預計將把超低利率至少堅持到2013年年中,而且完全有可能會在美國經濟無法復甦的情況下再次採取刺激政策。所以,美元很可能沒那麼安全。而且, 美國自己也已經喪失了頂級信用評級。









有些人能夠高舉理想,永遠站在道德的高地,是因為他們擁有資源。所謂資源,可以是自己或是家庭的物質供應,可以是自己的才幹(有才幹,可以找一份相對低收入的工作,仍然可以餬口;光有理想而沒有才幹,有可能連餬口也成問題。《3 Idiots》(作死不離3兄弟)這套電影的圓滿,在於它是一個神話:兩個主角皆是天才,一個是機電工程天才,一個是攝影天才)。但對於一些沒有資源的人來說,比方說,沒有同樣的才幹或者物質支持,我們是否仍然告訴他們去追隨自己的理想?


平孔難生存 賭博求富貴

銀行變質 拿客戶的錢去賭
金融機構求存 寧富貴險中求
當所有人都不肯去「平孔」,個個都去參與市場活動、去賭博,單靠「平孔」的公司,賺取居差價或佣金,就沒有競爭力了。我有一位好朋友,開的就是純粹的broker house,就是不能維持,轉賣了。
同樣道理,現時最成功的高盛、大摩等外資公司,根本不是broker house,而是市場莊家。因為這是一個風險的年代,在金融世界,已經不能安安穩穩的生存了,因為安全就即是沒有競爭力,就即是死。



老貓也曾燒鬚 選錯對手打
獲取消息 關係要緊



名牌品質 同類產品不能相比
它們的品質,是經過多年來的市場考驗,當然沒有問題。它們不單有名牌,而且有生產高品質產品的經驗,而這經驗得來的技術優勢,則永遠優於其競爭對手。還有一點是極其重要的,就是這類產品的毛利非常之高,而且遠高於其競爭對手,例如說,一個Hermes Birkin的售價是十萬八萬起跳,但一個路易威登的同質素包包可能是兩三萬,這比喻可能有點不倫,因為兩者並非相同貨色,正如保時捷和法拉利也是不同的產品。但很明顯,售價較高者的毛利率也較高,一旦市場逆轉,也比較有競爭力。





  曾针对职场人情做过一项调查显示:81%的人越来越重视人情投资,他们认为这是拓宽人际、增强人脉的有效手段,“在特殊事件送礼,请客吃饭”成为常用的手段,与此同时,有16%的职场人从心里抗拒这件事,但还是纠结地进行着。虽然大家都知道人情投资的重要性,可真正怎么做才能恰到好处,很多人比较困惑,尤其是职场新丁。前程无忧网的一项调查显示:有50%的人认为在职场人情方面最大困扰是如何投资人情,认为这是一门大学问。阿伟今年9月份刚参加工作,他表示:自己也明白人情世故的重要性,可不知道该从哪着手,做得淡了,好像跟不上大家的潜规则,做得过了,又怕惹上“拍马屁”的嫌疑。“做销售最讲人情关系,我该怎样与他们打交道,使之成为工作中的朋友;另外与上司、与同事的人情也是必要投资的,这关乎到饭碗的问题。” 对于职场人情,阿伟只好自己摸索着行事。


  烦恼一 人情消费不堪重负



  烦恼二 与上司建人情最难




  烦恼三 拒绝人情很难开口




  有调查显示:51%的职场人正处在人情账户储蓄期,人情投资是他们的主要关注点;29%的人处于人情账户平衡期,既有人情的消费也有人情的投资;还有2%的人表示属于账户透支型,他们欠了一身的人情债,没法还;当然也有18%的人表示,他们没有人情账户。“对于没有人情账户的职场人来说,这是一个危险的信号,预示着你会越来越脱离这个社会群体,到最后就会成为孤家寡人。” 汪成建议职场新人应该尽快建立自己的人情账户,这个账户是既有投入也有消费,形成良性循环。汪成提到一个小窍门:拿一本小本子,记录下你所有认识的人,写上他们的联系方式及所拥有资源,然后分类,确定谁可以每周联系一次,谁每月联系一次。这样便能花最少的精力去维护人情,延长保质期。




  “处在一定位置上的人,总会收到方方面面的人情,有人不好意思拒绝,怕伤了朋友之间的交情。结果是人情越收越多,事情没办成,反倒欠了很多人情债。” 汪成说,如果对方要求你的事,会违反自身原则或企业制度,或你依靠个人能量办不到时,就一定要头脑清醒地学会拒绝。另外,人家送你的这个人情,自我感觉还不起,比如,特别贵重的礼品,也不要接受。拒绝人情要讲技巧,首先要真诚,实事求是地告诉对方自己实在没办法,另外要就事论事,虽然事情没办法,不要影响彼此的交情,两人的交情是永久存在的。









原來股票真係可以跌99%!我地真係要做到buy and homework.


股價一日急跌逾半 收市後否認破產

柯達在聲明中承認,已經聘請了專門處理破產的眾達(Jones Day)律師事務所,但僱用律師行僅為徵詢重組意見,並不是為了申請破產,指公司「決心履行所有承諾,無意申請破產」,並會繼續探索其他可行方案。眾達律師事務所一向以處理公司破產見稱,曾代表美國車廠佳士拿與政府進行破產談判。眾達以往除了建議客戶申請破產,亦會提供其他財務建議,包括發行新債或新股集資、向債權人達成以股抵債等方案。



柯達行政總裁佩雷斯(Antonio Perez)上周向全球近1.9萬名員工大派定心丸,在非正式會議上進行直播,表明公司無意申請破產,希望員工可以放心工作,但投資者卻不以為然,在2013年到期票、面值1美元的柯達債券,現時交易價格僅為26美仙,較上周76.5美仙大幅下挫,反映柯達違約風險大增。

買專利 告侵權 求套現




《華爾街日報》 -- 美國知名的基金經理阿克曼(Bill Ackman)最新、最大、最猛的投資想法是投資港元。供職於對沖基金Pershing Square的阿克曼說,港元是世界上估值最低的貨幣之一。

阿克曼在紐約「Delivering Alpha」論壇的午餐會上作報告時詳述了香港的經濟史,借此來闡述投資港元的理由。他說,所有跡象都預示港元會被重估,這會讓他的投資獲得豐厚回報。

阿克曼近些年曾對J.C. Penney Co.和General Growth Properties Inc.等公司做長線投資。






撰稿:華爾街日報Steve Eder










胡應湘轟香港有地不善用 700萬人擠在20%土地 樓價怎不貴?

星洲密度高 住屋卻勝港「成倍」
「冇大陸睇住 香港衰得」
明報記者 陸振球


Financial Adviser Information (IPP)

Our Team
IPP is staffed by a team of qualified Financial Practitioners focusing in the area of comprehensive life insurance,investment and financial planning. Our financial advisers consist of people with experience in investment, life insurance, banking, financial, accounting, taxation, economics, and other financial services

Our Service   
Our role as a financial adviser is an important one. We understand each client has a unique financial situation. At the start, we would get to know you and establish your needs and goals and develop a financial plan that will enable you to turn your dreams into reality. 
We take pride in the development of a comprehensive financial plan for our clients. IPP’s very own and proven pillars of financial planning looks into these 4 areas:
Wealth Protection
Wealth Accumulation
Wealth Management
Wealth Distribution 

With this, your IPP financial adviser will come up with specific recommendations to help you work towards your stated goals. He will look for ways to achieve them and offer alternative solutions.
We do periodic reviews and revisions of your insurance and investment portfolios to keep your financial plan up-to-date. This enables you to better take on the changes in your life and also of the opportunities in current economic conditions. Periodic reviews show the progress you are making in reaching your goals.

Selecting a Financial Adviser
At IPP, our financial advisers are trained in the fields of investment, insurance, leading them to provide financial planning tailored to your specific needs. Our advice is based on a detailed study of your unique situation. We understand that every client has distinct requirements, thus "cookie-cutter" advice and recommendations will not befit you. 

Fees & Charges
Like most professional practice, IPP advisers base our fees on the complexity and amount of time spent on each case. IPP’s fees, commissions and compensation arrangements with our clients are equitable and add significant value to our clients' overall financial and investment plan. 


Is A Career In Financial Planning In Your Future?

The job goes by a lot of names, including financial planner, financial advisor and personal financial consultant, but it's rarely called what it typically is: financial products sales.

Financial planners earn a living by helping people sort through and choose investments, insurance and other financial products. They do retirement planning, college funding, estate planning and general investment analysis. (To learn more, see What Is A Registered Investment Advisor?)

Obtaining New BusinessFinding clients who need those services and building a customer base is crucial to experiencing success as a financial planner because referrals from satisfied clients are an important source of new business. Whether you find new clients by giving seminars or lectures, through social or business contacts or simply by cold calling, find them you must.

Having a broad social network is one reason that many successful financial planners enter the field after working in a related occupation such as accountant, auditor, insurance sales agent, lawyer, or securities, commodities and financial services sales agent. (For more insight, read Targeting Ideal CustomersCold Call Without Getting The Cold Shoulder and Alternatives To The Cold Call.)

What Education Will Lead to Employment?Financial planning employers look for candidates with a bachelor's degrees in accounting, finance, economics, business, mathematics or law. Courses in investments, taxes, estate planning and risk management are also helpful. Programs in financial planning are becoming more widely available in colleges and universities.

Financial analysts may also seek the Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®), the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) the Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) designations.

Generally, a license is not required to work as a personal financial advisor, but advisors who sell stocks, bonds, mutual funds or insurance may need licenses such as the Series 6, 7, or 63. These exams are administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA, formerly the NASD) and in order to take most of these exams, sponsorship by a member firm or self regulatory organization is required. (For more information, see Which popular professional certification exams do not require sponsorship?)

Where Do Advisors Work?More than half of all financial advisors work for finance and insurance companies, including securities and commodity brokers, banks, insurance carriers and financial investment firms. However, four out of 10 personal financial advisors are self employed, operating small investment advisory firms, usually in urban areas.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the overall employment of financial analysts and personal financial advisors is expected to increase faster than the average (by 27% or more) for all occupations through 2014. This is a result of the increased investment by businesses and individuals, the rising number of self-directed retirement plans and the growing number of seniors. Personal financial advisors will benefit even more than financial analysts as baby boomers save for retirement and as a better educated and wealthier population requires investment advice. In addition, people are living longer and must plan to finance more years of retirement.

Is financial planning the right career for you? Take this quiz to help you find out:
Quiz: Is Financial Planning Right For You?

1. How comfortable are you with making sales?
A. I could sell my grandmother a ticket to a SuperNova concert with no guarantee that she'll enjoy the performance.
B. I could sell my grandmother that SuperNova ticket, but I would feel guilty if she didn't like the show.
C. Only a bad person would sell his or her grandmother a SuperNova ticket.

2. At what stage of life are you?
A. I just graduated from college.
B. I've been out of school for a few years.
C. I've been in my line of work for several years, but I'm ready for a change.

3. How much of an extrovert are you?
A. I have been the president of nearly every club I have ever joined.
B. I have enough friends to make me happy.
C. A good book, a room to myself and no interruptions is my idea of heaven.

4. You could be described as:
A. both analytical and a good communicator.
B. analytical, but not a good communicator, or a good communicator, but not analytical.
C. neither analytical, nor a good communicator.

5. At work, I prefer to do my job:
A. completely independently
B. somewhat independently.
C. as part of a team.

6. What appeals most to me about becoming a planner is:
A. the challenge of building a client base.
B. the creation of my own business.
C. the analysis of investments.

7. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual income for financial planners was $62,700 in 2004 - this includes commission income. How do you feel about that?
A. I've never been average and I'll earn more than the median.
B. That would work for me.
C. Working for commissions only makes me nervous.

If you answered mostly As, then financial planning could be the right career for you. You're energized, rather than terrified, by the idea of earnings a substantial amount of your compensation through commissions. If you have the right connections and the energy level to work that network, you could succeed in this tough career.

If you answered mostly Bs, then you need a back-up plan. Financial planning might work, but you're likely to end up among the 80% of planners who, according to William F. Cole's "The Complete Financial Advisor" (2006), are in the business for less than five years. When sales don't work out, what will you do next and how will you sell yourself to your next employer?

If you answered mostly Cs, don't even think about financial planning. If you love the portfolio analysis side, consider working as a financial analyst. If math is your strong subject, go into financial engineering or quantitative analysis. You'll make more money without having to sell all day long. (For further reading, see Becoming A Financial Analyst.)

To read more, see Studying For The CFP Exam.
A former Gannett assignment editor, Dona DeZube is an award-winning professional writer with more than two decades of experience. Today, her specialty is translating complex financial and health news into the kind of how-to stories consumers can really use. Her financial work has appeared in major dailies, such as the Miami Herald and the Chicago Tribune, top trade magazines including Today's Realtor and Mortgage Banking Magazine and online at Inman News, the leading electronic broadcast service in real estate. <

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/financialcareers/06/financialplanningquiz.asp#ixzz1WtDHt8Z7
My result:
Quiz: Is Financial Planning Right For You?

1. How comfortable are you with making sales?
A. I could sell my grandmother a ticket to a SuperNova concert with no guarantee that she'll enjoy the performance.
B. I could sell my grandmother that SuperNova ticket, but I would feel guilty if she didn't like the show.
C. Only a bad person would sell his or her grandmother a SuperNova ticket.

2. At what stage of life are you?
A. I just graduated from college.
B. I've been out of school for a few years.
C. I've been in my line of work for several years, but I'm ready for a change.


3. How much of an extrovert are you?
A. I have been the president of nearly every club I have ever joined.
B. I have enough friends to make me happy.
C. A good book, a room to myself and no interruptions is my idea of heaven.


4. You could be described as:
A. both analytical and a good communicator.
B. analytical, but not a good communicator, or a good communicator, but not analytical.
C. neither analytical, nor a good communicator.


5. At work, I prefer to do my job:
A. completely independently
B. somewhat independently.
C. as part of a team.


6. What appeals most to me about becoming a planner is:
A. the challenge of building a client base.
B. the creation of my own business.
C. the analysis of investments.


7. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual income for financial planners was $62,700 in 2004 - this includes commission income. How do you feel about that?
A. I've never been average and I'll earn more than the median.
B. That would work for me.
C. Working for commissions only makes me nervous.


So, You Want To Earn Your CFA?

It's pretty easy to bump into someone in the financial profession who is really excited about entering the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) program. Sometimes, they know what they are getting into. Sometimes they don't. They may have no idea how much time it takes or exactly how having the charter may help or hurt them.

Make no mistake about it - earning the CFA charter is a grueling process, so if the thought has crossed your mind that it might be worthwhile to begin the process, you had better check your preconceived ideas at the door and make sure your dream is not just a passing fancy. Before you commit, consider what it takes to earn the charter, how it will benefit you and your career, the negatives of going through the process and whether the pros outweigh the cons in your case. In this article, we'll help take you through that decision process.

What it Takes to Earn the Charter
The CFA Institute requires three steps to become a CFA charter holder. They include:

  1. Pass all three levels of the CFA exam in succession
  2. Acquire 48 months of "acceptable professional work experience"
  3. Join the CFA Institute, which includes completing a professional conduct statement, and affiliate with a local chapter. (To view the complete list of steps, visit the CFA Institute's website.)
For many people, the most difficult facet of earning a charter is fulfilling the educational requirements. The CFA program consists of three exams encompassing a "candidate body of knowledge" (CBOK) that the CFA Institute believes is necessary for those in the investment profession.  (To read more about this and get step-by-step instructions on how to earn your charter, see Becoming A Financial Analyst and Pass Your CFA Exams The First Time.)

1. The Levels and Time Level I is given in the late fall and late spring, while levels II and III are given only once a year in the late spring. Candidates must pass each level before moving on to the next.

The statistics are grim. On any given year, anywhere from roughly 40-65% of candidates for each level pass their exams. This means that even with the most optimistic scenarios, statistically, less than 30% of those who begin the CFA program as level I candidates actually go on to pass level III.

The investment of time is often the most important. The CFA Institute estimates that the average candidate should spend at least 250 hours preparing for each level (which, depending on when you start studying, is generally around six months). Most applicants will study 10-15 hours per week to prepare for each exam.

2. The RequirementsOnce you've considered the levels and time required, you must look at the professional requirements. Before a candidate can receive the charter, he or she must have completed 48 months (or four years) of acceptable work experience. Fortunately, the CFA Institute's definition of acceptable experience is fairly broad, encompassing such areas as trading, economics and corporate finance. Still, there are a number of candidates who enter the program and are not in fields where anything they do can be construed to be part of the process. Some of these candidates may find that while they are able to pass the educational requirements, they will not receive the charter because they do not have the required professional experience.

3. The InstituteFinally, before candidates can receive their charters, they must join the CFA Institute. If you need any help with this process, check out the CFA Institute's website where this process is explained in detail.

Pros: How will the charter benefit you and your career?Benefits for YouTo help you decide whether to pursue the charter, let's take a look at how you will benefit from it. First, there is the educational benefit; you will learn a great deal and add a great credential to your CV. Then, there is the reputational benefit. People in the business know the time and dedication it takes to earn the charter. When they see that you have earned it, they will likely believe you have ability, dedication, ethical grounding and the hard, transferable analytical skills necessary to do the job in question.

There also may be financial benefits. You may see your salary increase after you've earned the charter or you may surpass other applicants when competing for a new job or position.

The operative word here is "may". Career success depends on a number of factors, including hard work and skill. Luck, dedication, political savvy and character have just as much to do with one's success in the investment profession as educational background; so don't view the charter as your golden ticket to financial paradise.

Benefits for Your Career
There are a number of financial fields where it makes sense to go through all the time and trouble to earn the charter. The obvious is investment management. As the investment industry continues to become more competitive (fewer positions) and somewhat commoditized, it will become almost imperative for any credible investment manager to earn the charter.

Outside of that, there are a number of other professions in which charter holders will benefit considerably:
  1. Buy-side trader (investment management) or other buy-side professional positions
  2. Sell-side analyst (investment banking), associate, or other sell-side professional positions
  3. Business school professor
  4. Economist
  5. Financial advisor or financial planner
Beyond this list, there are a number of professions in which having the CFA Charter helps, but where it is not a career roadblock if the financial professional does not have it. (To find out if a career in finance is what you want, see What Does "CFA" Mean?, Is A Career In Financial Planning In Your Future? and Finding Your Place In The Financial Industry.)

Cons: Why wouldn't you want to earn the charter?The CFA charter is not a guaranteed path to riches and glory. Before taking the plunge, carefully consider several drawbacks to earning it:

The TimeBecoming a CFA is a huge investment in time - a minimum of 250 hours per year over three years. To put that in perspective, this is about 37% of a standard business year of 2,000 hours. You will sacrifice time with family and friends and the pursuit of hobbies you enjoy. And after all that, there is no guarantee that you will pass.

The CostWhile this factor may not be a major consideration, it is worth pondering. A level I candidate will pay a one-time program enrollment fee plus an exam registration fee. Level II and III candidates will pay a registration fee as well. Then, there are the books you'll have to buy plus the cost of any study programs. All together, these costs easily add up to several thousand dollars each year you attempt the exams.

The CareerThe CFA is not a panacea for an ailing career. If you're enrolling in the program to jump-start a stalling career, you may want to look at other reasons your career is not moving forward. Perhaps before investing inordinate amounts of time and some money into building your pedigree, you might choose to improve your soft skills such as work ethic and political suaveness.

Putting it All TogetherA variation of the good old-fashioned cost-benefit analysis may be the best way to decide on a career choice. On paper, plot out the costs versus the benefits of earning the charter. Carefully consider each point, both positive and negative, and its importance to you. Ponder for a day or two, or more if necessary, and then make your decision. Your decision may also alter as your career changes. A lost promotion in five years may change the balance from not pursuing the charter to chasing it full steam.

Earning the CFA charter may be the right decision for you, but before taking the plunge, consider what it takes to earn the charter, how earning the charter will benefit or hurt your career, and how all the factors weigh-in together. Whatever you decide, this analysis is a great introduction to the thought process you might later encounter as an investment manager.
Bill Artzberger, CFA, is an entrepreneur and investor in Houston, Texas. Before striking out on his own, Bill worked for more than five years at a privately held trust company. He has an MBA from Rice University and undergraduate degrees in marketing and journalism from Southern Methodist University

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/professionaleducation/07/CFA-charter.asp#ixzz1WtAhUW4j

CPA, CFA Or CFP - Pick Your Abbreviation Carefully

Whether you're searching for a good career path or just curious about the different financial credentials, this article will help guide you through three of the best known professional designations in the financial industry: Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Each of these three has a core career focus, and although their abbreviations often sound interchangeable, each designation gives you something unique. Follow along to discover how much coursework and study each designation requires, what careers they typically lead to and how much you could make. (For a basic breakdown on these designations and more, check out The Alphabet Soup Of Financial Certifications.)

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
For most people, a CPA is best known as the person who prepares tax returns. CPAs certainly do that, but they do much more as well. A CPA license is legally required in order to do particular jobs, such as public accounting (independent auditing). However, one does not require a CPA license in order to prepare tax returns. State laws govern what CPAs can and cannot do with their license. (If you're looking for a good accountant, check out Crunch The Numbers To Find The Ideal Accountant.)

Requirements: Requirements vary by state, but in general, in order to sit for the CPA exam, applicants must have a bachelor's degree with 120 semester hours. To obtain the CPA designation, applicants must pass the Uniform CPA Exam, gain relevant work experience and meet additional educational requirements. Overall, additional educational requirements usually consist of 24-30 semester hours in accounting, earned through a graduate or bachelor's degree in business. Many states also require a minimum number of one to two years accounting and/or auditing experience. Some states may require 150 semester hours to obtain the CPA.
Aside from the experience requirements, a CPA license usually takes about 18 months to complete beyond the educational requirements. Many students choose to pursue a masters degree in accounting to fulfill their educational requirements.

Exam: Although classroom requirements are a major requirement, the CPA exam is a difficult task in its own right. Exams are administrated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the governing body of CPAs in the United States. The 14-hour computerized exam consists of four sections:
Auditing and attestation
Financial accounting and reporting
Business environment and concepts
Careers: Many undergraduate accounting students receive job offers long before they graduate. Accounting is an in-demand field and is projected to continue to be so. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment is projected to grow 18% between 2006 and 2016; this amounts to nearly 226,000 new positions. For CPAs wishing to advance to senior-level corporate positions, two to three years of experience at a major accounting firm is crucial.

For those seeking gainful employment but not wishing to climb the corporate ladder, there are numerous positions available in every city for accountants at small accounting firms and practices. For more ambitious job seekers, lucrative CPA positions are available in hedge fund accounting and Sarbanes-Oxley-related work. The chief requirements for these positions are experience and an excellent educational background. (To learn the history of the accounting profession, check out The Rise Of The Modern-Day Bean Counter.)

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
The CFA reputation in the business community is world class, and CFA charterholders work in many countries around the world. The CFA program is very broad, and might be more aptly described as the equivalent of a master's degree in finance with accompanying minors in accounting, economics, statistical analysis and portfolio management. Although the CFA designation is not a legal requirement to perform work as a financial analyst (the cornerstone CFA job), it is a great way to get a foot in the door for one of the most difficult jobs to crack. (For more on the pros and cons of this demanding designation, see So You Want To Earn Your CFA? and Becoming A Financial Analyst.)

By reputation, the best way to get a finance job on Wall Street is to get a Master of Business Administration degree from one of a handful of exclusive schools including Wharton, Harvard and Stanford. The second best way is to earn the CFA charter and have good industry experience. In some instances a CFA designation is even held in higher esteem than an MBA.

Requirements: The CFA designation (granted by the CFA Institute) earns its reputation mainly due to the grueling process candidates must endure to earn the CFA charter. While the exam is very democratic and open to anyone with a bachelor's degree, the only people with a realistic chance of passing are those who are serious about the field. The three general requirements to earn a CFA charter are to pass three exams, have an undergraduate degree (in any subject) and have three years related work experience in the financial area.

Exam: To earn the CFA charter, candidates must pass a six-hour exam for each of three levels. The first exam is available twice per year (in June and December) and the next two are only available in June. The pass rates on the three tests are slightly above 50%, so if you don't pass the second or third exam, you must wait one year to take it again.
Each of the three tests has overlapping material such as ethics and financial analysis. Generally, though, the first test covers broad financial principles, the second is a very intensive exam on financial analysis and accounting, and the third exam covers portfolio management and decision making. (For more on surviving your CFA exams see, Pass Your CFA Exams The First Time.)

Careers: According to the CFA Institute, 55% of charterholders work for institutional investors as in-house analysts, 15% work for broker-dealers, and the remaining 29% work for universities and the government. While not nearly as numerous as CPA jobs, CFA-related jobs are perhaps more lucrative. CFA Institute's 2007 Member Compensation Survey reports that the median compensation for an equity portfolio manager with less than five years of experience is $495,000. With over 10 years experience, the median yearly salary went up to $555,000.

Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
The Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is the only designation of the three focused on investing. It provides an extremely practical course of study for those wishing to work directly with individual investors. The focus of the CFP is to train financial advisors to create and implement financial plans for investors.

Requirements and Exam: The requirements for the CFP, as specified by the CFP Board of Standards, are a bachelor's degree in any major, three years financial planning experience, other educational requirements (see below) and an exam. The 10-hour exam covers the following: investments planning, insurance, estate planning, risk management, tax and retirement planning.

In order to take the exam, one must complete a prescribed course of study - unless exempt - in relevant financial planning areas. These six required courses take about nine months to complete and are conducted on college campuses nationally. They are:
Financial planning: process and environment
Fundamentals of insurance planning
Income taxation
Planning for retirement needs
Fundamentals of estate planning

Careers: People who benefit the most from the CFP designation are those who usually work directly with individual clients. Opportunities exist nationally for people with the CFP, but it is not necessarily a key to a high-paying job, as opposed to the CPA designation. There is no typical salary with the CFP, as it helps gain client credibility in what is essentially an entrepreneurial position. Income potential is determined by the sales performance of the financial consultant, not by a salary scale. (If you aren't sure financial planning is for you, check out the quiz in Is A Career In Financial Planning In Your Future?)

Parting Thoughts
Of the three designations, only the CPA is governed by state laws (to protect the public interest). In choosing a designation to pursue, ask yourself what kind of work you want to do, where you want to work, and if you want to work as an employee with a guaranteed salary or an entrepreneur where the sky (and the basement) is the limit. No matter which you choose, each of these three financial designations will provide ample professional opportunities for those who spend the time and energy to earn them.

To learn the pros and cons of these designations and more, read Financial Designations Aren't All Created Equal.
by Daniel Myers, CFA, CFP
Daniel Myers has earned the CFA designation, the CFP certification and has managed money for investors since 1998. Read more about him at his company's website, King Capital Management, LLC.

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/professionaleducation/08/CFA-CPA-CFP-how-to-choose.asp#ixzz1Wt51PkhB